So last year, something called Bullet Journaling really took hold and has flourished more than I think anyone imagined. I didn't pick up the hobby until August, but I have been
loving it. At first I was very basic, just check/shade boxes and I only kept track of my knitting, reading, and stash.

This year, I added in a savings jar for SSK 2018 (Super Summer Knit-together hosted by Leslie and Laura of the KnitGirllls.) A habit tracker, which I'm hoping will help me stay on top of things and focused, and I upped my reading section to an adorable bookshelf page. I'll write in a book title on the spine of a book for each one I finish. I also decided to be a bit more descriptive when it comes to my projects. I may even omit the check/shade box section all together. I've even got a graph for the TV shows I actually watch, which is only 5 but I only have 3 graphs so far.
I'm really enjoying coming up with my own layouts and thinking about different ideas for what I want to do. I know I'll have to transfer halfway through the year, but I'm not one to waste paper. #TreeHugger Do you bullet journal? I'd love to see yours!
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