
Friday, July 26, 2013

Interview with Andi Satterlund

  This week, I am interviewing knit and crochet designer, Andi Satterlund! I have always been a fan of the knitwear and the cute accesories that she designs, one of my favorites being Marion, a simple, but beautiful cabled cardigan, and Stray, a beautiful leopard print slouchy hat! Andi was kind enough to answer a few questions for this interview!

 © Andi Satterlund

When did you start knitting?

I started knitting around 10 years ago. I was in middle school, and my parents told me that I needed to get a hobby so I picked knitting.

Who taught you to knit?

I taught myself! I bought a Learn-to-Knit Kit, but the instructions for the knit stitch made no sense to me so I just tried stuff until I figured it out. When I realized that I wanted to make more than just garter stitch scarves, I bought tons of knitting books and read everything I could get my hands on about knitting.

What inspired you to design all of these beautiful patterns?

A-line sweaters. I look like crap in them, but they were hugely popular when I really started to get into knitting garments, and that pushed me to start designing sweaters of my own.

I see you always ask designers what their favorite designs are - do you have a favorite design?

Chuck is definitely my favorite so far. I wore it excessively last winter because it just looks great with all of my dresses.

© Andi Satterlund

Do you have any "go-to" testers when it comes time to test?

I usually send out a request for testers and take the people who reply first, but I admit that there are a few people who I hope reply promptly. Kelly (CelticCastOn) is an amazing test knitter who I’ve worked with on a lot of patterns. Recently I’ve also worked with Constance (CLEOMC) on a couple of patterns. I’m in love with her color choices.

Do you do any other crafts that aren't fiber related? Such as sewing, scrapbooking, or photography?

I don’t do as much photography these days, but I’ve always loved it. I have a big pile of film that’s waiting around to be developed. I also have been trying to improve my sewing skills. I just finished fussing with a dress muslin, and I'm looking forward to making my own dresses.

 © Andi Satterlund

Do you have a new design in mind right now?

When do I not! I sketch a new design almost everyday. A lot of them suck, but the idea is to get the ideas out there and evaluate them later. There’s no way that I’d ever be able to knit everything I think up, but I love going through my past ideas when I’m trying to decide which project to take on next.

When you're not crafting, what do you like to do?

Take naps! But seriously, I drag my knitting everywhere with me. It even comes with me when I go out with my friends on a Saturday night. I think the movie theater is the only place I don’t bring my knitting because I like to just enjoy the movie when I’m there. I don’t know why that’s different from when I’m sitting on my couch at home watching a movie when I’m happy to knit, but it is.

Do you have a certain place you like to craft and/or design?

Not really. I just need somewhere to stick my stuff! The kitchen table, my desk, the side table by the couch, it all works for me. I try to vary where I sit when I work because it helps refocus me. If I get up and move somewhere special to work, I feel obligated to actually put some serious effort into what I’m doing to justify having dragged my computer and yarn across the apartment.

More of Andi's work is displayed on Ravelry and on her site, Untangling Knots.

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