
Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Liebster Award

I want to say a heartfelt thank you to Emily over at A Yarnful Life for awarding me the Liebster award! :) What an honor! It is my very first blogging award! Along with the award, I have received some questions to answer! :)

1. What do you like about knitting?  Do you like more for the process of creating something or the finished item? 
Knitting for me is the wonderful feeling of getting to see all of the gorgeous patterns, and then knitting it so that I can have it for myself. Also, since I'm pretty much a selfish knitter, the fact that I can have it and no one else can unless I knit it for them! ;) I love the process of creating, but I eventually get to the point where I'm ready to be done and wear/use the FO!

2. How big is your yarn stash? honesty please! ;)
I just recently destashed a TON due to our moving in a few weeks so I think I have about 40 skeins of yarn. I used to have almost 200 :)

3. Why do you blog? How did your blog get started?
My blog got started because I have a ton of things that my family and I do, such as trips and things, but also so I could show off my knitting! I blog because I can show others' my work as I make things and I can go to other blogs and see what other people are working on. :)

4. Do you knit and crochet?  Or just one or the other?
I can knit and crochet. I have been crocheting for 5 years and knitting since January, so almost a year.

5. Describe your perfect crafting setting.  Be very descriptive!
My preferred crafting setting is wherever I can just kick back, relax and craft. I usually have a video podcast or a beloved tv show on (Usually Friends, Full House, Bad Ink, or Big Bang Theory) and I will knit and knit and knit. I have even stayed up until the late hours of the night knitting (3 AM one time!)

6. What is your absolute favorite thing to knit?
I have fallen in love with sweaters, cardigans, and sweater dresses. Right now I have 2 pullovers, and a baby cardi on the needles. That's just the clothing items. I plan on knitting a ton of sweater dresses for the upcoming cold months!

I am passing along the Liebster award to some other amazing bloggers! :)
  1. Stacey at Brazen Stitchery
  2. Molly at Deep Blue Renegade
  3. Andi at Untangling Knots
  4. Beth at IKnead2Knit
My questions to you all are....
  1. Do you knit or crochet? Or do you do both?
  2. How long have you been crafting? How did you learn?
  3. Do you have to have anything specific around you, or going on while you're crafting for you to have complete concentration?
  4. What has been you absolute favorite thing that you have crafted throughout your crafting lifetime.
  5. What is your favorite thing to craft? Why?
  6. Do you do any other crafts besides knitting or crocheting?
Be sure to spread the Liebster Love to a handful of your favorite bloggers! And don't forget your badge! :) 

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